Best 12 Horror Board Games

Even though Halloween has come and gone, the eerie activities can still go on, and we have some of the scariest tabletop games to share with you! This collection of the top horror board games includes a variety of terrifying scenarios for players to enjoy on this holy evening, from board games with amazing eldritch creatures coming to kill the world to zombie swarms attacking a nearby mall!

The cooperative games and traitor-maker games on this list are perfect for any kind of spooky night, whether you’re looking for something to test your relationships or bring your pals closer together.

Naturally, the real pleasure of engaging in horror board games lies in your ability to envision all the terrifying situations contained in its packaging, all from the comfort of your own house. So gather around the table with some of the greatest horror board games in front of you, dim the lights, crank up the eerie music, and nibble on some delicious sweets.

1. Eldritch Horror

Explore the globe in pursuit of hints and strategies to prevent the return of the Old Ones.
Boxed board game Eldritch Horror
Although it takes some time to set up, Eldritch Horror is well worth the wait.
In Eldritch Horror, players engage in a frantic race against time as they travel (almost) the entire world. Before it’s too late, a group of courageous detectives must use both cunning and strength to repel this Lovecraftian invasion caused by the awakening of the ancient ones. You and your buddies may just be able to defeat Eldritch Horror if you and your allies successfully navigate a series of encounters and finish the appropriate amount of quests. But it’s undeniably the most fascinating endurance test in tabletop history due to the sheer amount of suspense created by cruel features like the mythos cards (which trigger awful events) and the doom clock.

Purchase Eldritch Horror from Amazon UK/Amazon US.

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2. Betrayal at House on the Hill: Third Edition

The latest version of a classic brings it back to life.
The layout photo for Betrayal at House on the Hill: Third Edition
The miniatures in this most recent edition have a lot better design than the one before it.
Although Betrayal at House on Hill has consistently been a well-liked option, the Third Edition was beginning to show its age. In the horror game Betrayal, players investigate a spooky mansion until they come across an incident that can set them against one another. Players may encounter a completely new plot, or haunt, on each playthrough of the game, which offers a novel perspective on well-known horror clichés. The most recent iteration of the semi-cooperative board game featured much-needed updates, including new artwork, a more varied cast of characters, and better-designed components, in addition to a number of entirely new haunts, some of which were sequels to haunts from earlier iterations. There is no better version of Betrayal at House on the Hill than the Third Edition if you intend to read it.

Purchase the third edition of Betrayal at House on the Hill on Amazon UK/Amazon US.

3. Mansions of Madness

Battle the Old Ones’ army in this dungeon crawler game.
Mansions of Madness: Horror Board Game, Second Edition
Mansions of Madness offers an extensive selection of various situations.
Get a copy of Mansions of Madness for a more violent and combat-focused take on the Cthulhu mythos. Similar to the other Lovecraftian games from Fantasy Flight, players assume the role of investigators defending themselves against the prospect of imminent destruction at the hands of callous gods. However, Mansions of Madness allows for a DM-like position that is intended to assist in guiding the other players through a variety of well-known sites in and around Arkham, in contrast to those other games. With the release of a clever software that would handle all administrative tasks in place of the player, this was finally phased out in the second version. A climactic fight with one of the many bosses featured in the box will follow nerve-wracking encounters with a variety of cosmic abominations.

Visit Amazon UK/Amazon get Mansions of Madness.

4. Mysterium

A group of courageous mediums are seeking justice on behalf of a spirit.
The gameplay of the board game Mysterium Horror
Mysterium contains some exquisite and bizarre artwork.
In Mysterium, the beloved abstract storytelling game Dixit receives an appropriately ominous update. Mysterium, a wonderful reworking of a system first presented in the game Tajemnicze Domostwo, imagines a universe in which ghosts are real (wooo-ooo) and wish to assist you in solving crimes. more precisely, their homicide. In the card game Mysterium, one player assumes the role of the aforementioned ghost, whose only means of communication are a deck of exquisitely drawn cards. Before the night is up, the ghost has to use these cards to direct the other players or paranormal investigators to the right murder suspect. With a more well-defined ruleset and a more robust premise, Mysterium builds upon the original Dixit concept to create an arguably superior game—or at the very least, a more difficult one.

Purchase Mysterium on Amazon UK/Amazon US..

YouTube video’s cover art

5. One Night Ultimate Werewolf

In this fun and fast-paced social deduction game, who will be the werewolf?
The board game box for One Night Ultimate Werewolf fright
This is the ideal game to bring to gatherings because of its compact design.
Although Mafia is arguably the first social deduction game, we must discuss something eerie because the theme of this list is horror. And what could be more terrifying than having your family and friends reject you? As the name implies, One Night Ultimate Werewolf is played during a single evening (or round) as opposed to multiple rounds, and is similar to the classic social deduction game Werewolf (innocents must successfully identify the lycanthropes or lose). This significantly quickens the game’s pace and enables players to assume various roles in a single session. Because of this, the game will never grow boring, which makes it ideal for Halloween gatherings when you want to keep everyone entertained.

Purchase One Night Ultimate Werewolf from Amazon UK/Amazon US.

YouTube video’s cover art

6. Arkham Horror: The Card Game

A live card game where participants take on the role of detectives in the world of the Arkham Files
The gaming structure of the horror board game Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Investigator decks are made by players and can be customized to their preferences.
It may have caught your attention that Cthulhu is currently a hot topic in the tabletop community, so pardon us if it seems like we’re hammering the same drum. Nevertheless, Arkham Horror: The Card Game stands out from its predecessors since it offers a continuous sequence of campaigns, all of which are meant to be played with a standard deck of cards. The cards within these decks, which stand in for each investigator in the game, are specific to that investigator’s set of abilities and tools. These cards end up being the only thing separating gamers from certain death as they face awful scenario after horrific event. Since Arkham Horror is a living card game, deck expansions are not arbitrary like they are in collectible card games like Magic: The Gathering. This results in Arkham Horror providing a more linear experience than its RPG sibling, Call of Cthulhu, whilst still giving players the freedom to craft a surprisingly deep narrative experience.

Purchase Arkham Horror: The Card Game at Amazon US and Amazon UK.

7. Horrified

Fight together against some of horror’s most iconic villains
Horrified board game layout
Players will need to employ different tactics against each of Horrified’s monsters.
Though many of their origins pre-date them, it is undeniable that many of horror’s most recognisable villains owe much of their fame to the Hammer Horror film series. The likes of Dracula, Frankenstien’s monster and the Creature from the Black Lagoon have appeared in historically important horror films and are rising from their graves once again for Horrified, a co-op board game based on the monsters of Hammer Horror. Each one of these monsters provides players with a unique challenge, but can be combined together to form a coalition of infamy that will have the group scratching their heads figuring out how to defeat them. Horrified isn’t just a fantastic tribute to some of the most recognisable horror films in history, it’s also a entertaining experience that’ll force players to work together.

Buy Horrified from Amazon UK/Amazon US.

8. Dead Man’s Cabal

A bizarre board game about raising the dead to join a party
Dead Mans Cabal horror board game gameplay layout
Prepare to fill this board with undead revellers.
But what if you wanted the dead to rise? What if… you were one of those pesky necromancers? Dead Man’s Cabal allows you to live that dream by putting you in the moth-eaten shoes of a dark mage whose social life is entirely dead. In Dead Man’s Cabal, players must compete to have the largest gathering of rotting partygoers rise from the grave. This is achieved by cunningly negotiating the game’s unique action queuing system, selecting one action for yourself and another action for the whole group. This refreshing approach to strategy, as well as the game’s darkly comedic tone, is why Dead Man’s Cabal is definitely worth digging up.

Buy Dead Man’s Cabal on Amazon UK/Amazon US.

9. Nyctophobia

This unusual board game sees players donning blindfolds and navigating a 3D maze
Nyctophobia board game box, pieces, and black out glasses
Nyctophobia might just be one of the most unique looking board games of all time.
Easily the weirdest game on this list, Nyctophobia is a co-operative horror experience unlike any other. You just know you’re going to have fun with a game when blindfolds are involved, and Nyctophobia has a lot of them (or in this case, blackout glasses). In Nyctophobia, one player adopts the role of a bloodthirsty hunter, stalking the other players through a dark forest until the last victim dies – or the remaining survivors escape. Escape is achieved through careful communication between players, and a mental understanding of 3D shapes. The game board itself is a strange beast, with plastic panels representing the trees and little divots for players to poke their fingers into. It’s a game that’s designed for physical interaction, and yet provides a surprising amount of immersion considering how initially ridiculous it might feel to play.

Buy Nyctophobia on Amazon UK/Amazon US.

10. The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31

A tabletop adaptation where you most either survive assimilation or hunt humans
The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31 blood test cards
Players can become an alien at any point throughout Infection at Outpost 31.
Though there are mutiple board game versions of the ’80s sci-fi horror film The Thing, this particular example is the best one out there. Taking place at the infamous Antarctic research station, The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31 is a board game that splits the players between two teams: the humans and the aliens. As a human, players will need to explore the research station to find the items they need to complete their missions. However, the hidden alien players will be looking for ways to disrupt the humans’ attempts without being clocked. The human players can carry out blood tests – similar to the one conducted by MacReady in the film – on people they think are attacking suspicious and oust them from the group. As the game continues, the aliens will gain more chances to assimilate others into their ranks. Get ready to play a tense and challenging tabletop adaptation of one of the best horror films of all time.

Buy The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31 on  Amazon UK/Amazon US.

11. Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game

They are excellent mechanics coming out of the walls in this horror deckbuilding game
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game board game xenomorph card
If you love the Alien film series, you’ll love the artwork for Alien Legendary.
Alien is unequivocally one of the best horror movies of all time. Hugely influential and ahead of its time, Alien spawned a film franchise that arguably has since seen better days, but it does have some pretty brilliant tabletop adaptations to its name. One of these adaptations is Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game, a series that began with a Marvel themed entry and eventually made its way to a number of other IPs. (Including, funnily enough, the Predator franchise.)

Marvel Legendary is a great game in its own right, but Alien Legendary masterfully combines fluid gameplay with surprisingly competent theming. As a deckbuilding game, Alien Legendary contains all the classic elements of the genre – card buying, deck synergy and engine-building – but wraps them up in a brutally difficult experience that seeks to mirror the feeling of being in an Alien film. Which film you imagine yourself in depends on which set you decide to play with, as Alien Legendary comes with a card set for each of the first four mainline entries. Every set presents a unique challenge, with the variety of xenomorphs you face changing to reflect the film the set is based on.

Luckily enough, Alien Legendary is also a co-op game – so at least players will be able to rely on each other for support. Players can choose between a selection of different characters, each with their own individual powers that benefit the group. However, you’re still likely to have a hard time of it no matter which roles you decide to play with. Alien Legendary is tough as nails and often ends with players being overrun by the sheer volume of xenomorphs. But this only makes Alien Legendary a better horror game because the incoming doom provides so much delicious tension.

Buy Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game on Amazon UK/Amazon US.

12. Shadow Hunters

A social deduction game with ludicrous character powers and fast-paced gameplay
Shadow Hunters board game artwork
It’s easy to see the Japanese influence on this game in its artwork.
Let’s get this out in the open, Shadow Hunters is a ridiculous board game. The gameplay mechanics are mostly random, the world-building makes no sense and it involves player elimination. Despite all this, and despite the disappointing depiction of the female-identifying characters, it’s easy to love Shadow Hunters. This is all because the messy combination of every element of Shadow Hunters just works.

At its core, Shadow Hunters is a social deduction game about a world where monsters prey on the innocent, and a cabal of warriors have sworn to stop this from happening. At the beginning of the game, players are secretly sorted into different teams depending on how many people are in the game. Larger player counts means the introduction of the neutral characters, alongside the opposed hunters and shadows. The goal of hunters and shadows is simple enough – destroy the opposing side – whereas neutral characters have their own unique goals to achieve before the game ends.

All this makes for a pretty chaotic experience, with players attacking each other based on either intuition or the words of an apparently trustworthy team member. Using a turn to take a green card may provide some much needed information about the identities of the active players, but there’s an equal chance it could just contain complete nonsense. Each of the characters have a special ability they can use if they decide to reveal their identity to the rest of the group, and some of these powers are unbalanced in the most wonderful way. The fact is that Shadow Hunters is an unfair game that sometimes results in players being punished for unexplained reasons. However, the games move so quickly and continue to be deeply entertaining for everyone but the person getting dunked on, that it doesn’t matter.

Buy Shadow Hunters on Zatu.

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